Schedule an Appointment

Don’t be afraid to call or text me with questions or to schedule an appointment. If I don’t answer your call just leave a voice mail and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Leave your name, number, and a brief description of the issue you’re calling about. And if you text me I’ll respond as soon as I’m able.

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Phone: Text or Call (740)577-5525


Message via Facebook Page: Hands On Medical Massage

Fee Schedule

Most common length of appointment is 60 minutes.

Initial appointments are best to be scheduled a little longer as we will go over your problem area(s) in detail and develop a treatment plan. Then we will immediately get started with implementing that plan.

30 minute treatment – $60 (includes tax) … best for specific work in a single area (shoulder, neck, arm, etc.)

60 minute treatment – $100 (includes tax) … good for back or back and neck issues, for example.

90 minute treatment – $140 (includes tax) … recommended if you have multiple areas you would like addressed

120 minute treatment – $180 (includes tax)…to really take our time and work through multiple areas

Other treatment session lengths can be arranged based on your needs. If you have questions before deciding to schedule an appointment feel free to contact me!

Phone: Text or Call (740)577-5525


Message via Facebook Page: Hands On Medical Massage

731 E Main St in Jackson – Suite #11 on the back side of the Evans Center